
The easy way to

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Dream Home!

We can help you Buy / Sale your Property.

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Properties By category

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a property, our experienced real estate professionals are equipped with the knowledge and expertise necessary to guide you through every step of the process.

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Furnished Floors
Furnished Floors

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Laundry Room
Laundry Room

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High Roof
High Roof

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Internet / Wi-Fi
Internet / Wi-Fi

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Real Estate Services

From market analysis and property valuation to marketing and negotiations, we strive to ensure that our clients receive the best possible service and achieve their desired outcomes

Residential Sales

We help clients navigate the complex process of buying or selling a home, providing expert guidance & personalized support every step.

Property Management

We provide full-service property management solutions for clients who own investment properties, handling everything from tenant screening to maintenance and repairs.

Commercial Sales & Leasing

We specialize in helping clients find the perfect commercial property for their needs, whether that involves purchasing or leasing.

Real Estate Consulting

We offer expert consulting services to clients who need guidance on real estate investment strategies, market trends, and more. (based in ITP & OTP Atlanta, Georgia)

Monique Sylvester

I'm Your Realtor.

With my extensive experience as a realtor, I have developed a unique skill set that allows me to deliver exceptional results for my clients when it comes to buying or selling their properties, all while keeping fees as low as possible. We are committed to making real estate investing accessible, cost-effective, and straightforward.

Featured Properties

At Sylvester Realty Solutions, we firmly believe that personalized service is the cornerstone of our success. We prioritize taking the time to thoroughly understand the unique needs of each client we serve. By doing so, we can diligently work towards providing tailored solutions that align with their specific goals
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Realtor Awards

What our client says

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your real estate goals.

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At Sylvester Realty Solutions, we believe that a strong team is the foundation of our success. We are always looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our dynamic real estate family
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